About F O R M
Form means "a model of the human figure or part of it used for displaying clothes" and "the body or outward appearance of a person."
We are three women in both worlds that enjoy the fashion and events that are present in Second Life. We love to shop, share our clothes and style with our friends, and NOW blog our beautifully F O R Med outfits. We hope you can appreciate our hard work and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by email (formslblog@gmail.com), facebook, or IM in world (please send notecards because our ims get capped.)
If you are interested in being apart of F O R M, please let us know! We are looking for other bloggers with different styles to join our team! We hope to be able to blog once a day for everyday of the week.
If you feel so inclined, please join our F O R M group in world. We will be noticing fashion themed parties, when we do a blog post, special fashion event updates, and even helpful fashion tips in our chat. We look forward to meeting all the other inF O R Mers.
♥Bunny (F O R M Blogger)