Want F O R M to advertise your Second Life Business?
Prices|2500L a month
Yes, we are first and foremost a fashion blog, BUT if a certain club or business fits the style of one of our bloggers, we will consider adding you to our advertising section.
Please send an email to for any advertising inquiring OR message one of our bloggers. Please include the following information:
Rez Date|
How Long You Have Been In Business (about)|
Transaction receipt (a picture of your transaction history made to Bunny Boxen).
URL for Location of your store/business in world OR Marketplace URL.
Attached copy of your ad image (what you would like us to put on our blog) formats include .jpg, .png, .gif AND it must be 250 by 250.*If you post the image in the notecard with all the other information it must be copy, modify, and trans.*